Saturday, November 10, 2007

Saturday in Red.

We went to Red Hook again today, because we have a car now and thus can drive to any corner of Brooklyn that we wish. Plus Scott is a little addicted to certain foodstuffs sold at a certain grocery mega-market. We woke up Lula from her nap, bundled up her and Nate and stuffed them into their car seats. First stop was the antique furniture shop and cool-a-porium Atlantis, where there was a calico cat and two old-school stand-up cabinet video games: Pac-Man and Space Invaders. Lula tried playing Pac-Man (25 cents/game, though for $895 we could've taken the thing home) but her dad had to finish the game. Still, she ate some dots and even a ghost before she gave up.

Then we went down to block to Baked, where the friendliest hipsters I've had the pleasure of encountering recently (I'm used to the surly, bored-n-careless servers at the Tea Lounge) sold us delicious cupcakes, muffins, and hot bevvies. Nate ate Cheerios and patted the table.

Tallulah likes visiting Fairway, which she calls "the grocery store where I can see the Statue of Liberty at night." (Beat THAT, suburbs.) She also enjoys the tank of lobsters, the whole fishes on ice, riding around in the grocery cart, and taking part in our grocery purchasing decisions. I wore Nate so he would sleep, which he eventually did, after a lot of looking around and vocal whining. (He was overtired.) This time we actually bought lobsters, which freaked out the check-out bagger -- I stepped in and bagged them myself to spare her. "You're the second person today to come through with those things," she murmured, shuddering.

We brought our delicious bugs home, our great cold beasts, and Scott cooked 'em up (breaking local Italian law in the process) while I put Nate to bed. We ate them near Tallulah, whom we were attempting to indoctrinate in The Way of The Crustacean. She was mildly interested in the anatomy and the new red color of the lobsters, whom she repeatedly referred to as crabs (blame the influence of Spongebob's Mr. Krabs) and she tried a tiny nibble of a tiny piece of claw (verdict: no.) But mainly she played with my claw-cracker. It was both a see-saw AND a clam mouth. Fun.

1 comment:

kirkunit said...

We also drove past the Queen Mary 2, a cruise ship that looked like a city block, except bigger. The children were thoroughly unimpressed.