Thursday, November 1, 2007

NaBloPoMo plus mastitis.

So back when I signed up to post a blog post every day this month, I was all healthy and full of promise and can-do spirit. Then, the night before Halloween (AKA All Hallow's Eve's Eve) I was felled by mastitis. My symptoms included severe localized breast pain, chills, full-body aches, fever, insomnia, and (best part!) serious bouts of vomiting. It was the worst I've felt since I was in a labor, and I know that's not saying much, since labor is the worst pain ever and the last time I was in it was only 9 months ago, but STILL. It was horrible.

The treatment is antibiotics (got 'em over the phone from my doc, thankfully), hot compresses, and lots and lots of rest. The sleeping thing is hard, because Nate, with his constant state of teething, cold-having, and almost-crawling, has been waking up every hour or so all night long.

OK, so my first NaBloPoMo post is all complain-y and whatnot. I'm hoping to get that sort of post out of my system in the early days in order to let the good ol' funny and true flow forth the rest of the month. And for now, I'm going to eat dinner and watch The Office. Nothing to complain about there.

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