Wednesday, May 9, 2007

New attraction at the Mollusk House

Scott: Tell me a story about the clam and the oyster.
Lula: One day there was a clam walking through the forest. And the hunter trapped him and took him to a zoo. And he put him in a wall -- a unicorn wall. The unicorn made a tunnel wall but the clam was stuck there. The clam stayed there and no one could help him. The End.
Me: Wait! I want to hear the rest!
Lula: I can't.
Me: But that's sad, that the clam is stuck in the zoo and no one can help him.
Lula: The End.


debl said...

I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around that story.

But you missed the better headline: Disturbance at the Mollusk House.

S-Way said...

Yeah, that was the better headline. I figured that out after I posted.

And the story? I think it was missing some words.